Deer Hunting
Briar Creek has some of the best deer hunting in the state. Whether you enjoy hunting from a stand, like listening to some hounds run a deer or maybe you like the morning in the stand followed by a mid-day dog drive, Briar Creek has it all available for you. Briar Creek has some of the most well organized dog hunts around, second maybe only to The Savannah River Site hunts. With 20+- packs of dogs, 3-6 stander trucks loaded with anxious hunters and a very high success rate, you're assured of an exciting day. Whether you are looking for meat to fill the freezer or that buck of a lifetime, come see what our Club has to offer.
Briar Creek has six tracts of land designated as still hunting only, three of which are "Quality Deer" or "Trophy" managed. If you would like to find out more about Dog Hunting or Still Hunting on Briar Creek, please click the Links below.
Dog Hunting
Still Hunting
Conservation Policy (Still and Dog Hunting)
Any member or guest killing a deer under 50lbs. will be fined $50.00.
Filling out a Harvest record cards in the sign-in boxes is MANDATORY
In an effort to increase the deer herd, the Board of Directors has instituted a limit of one doe per member (or guest) per morning and a limit of one doe per member (or guest) per afternoon for a total of 2 does per day. The membership total of does harvested on the club are limited to 8. Guest harvest do not count against the sponsoring members total
The regulations on bucks will follow Ga. Game Laws, with a total harvest of 2 bucks per member or guest per year with one buck having at least 4 points on one side.