Still Hunting at Briar Creek
The Three Hunters above were in a three-way tie for the big buck contest for the 2007/2008 season. All three bucks were killed on Briar Creek Sportsman Club, From a stand and the last two were taken from different "trophy" or Quality Deer Managed areas. Just Click a picture to enlarge it.
As evident from the pictures above and below, still hunting at Briar Creek Sportsman Club is a good way to fill the freezer and possibly harvest that buck of a lifetime. It's also a good way to forget about the everyday stress we face and allows a member the opportunity to have some "self" time. There's nothing quite like sitting in a deer stand and watching the woods come alive at daybreak. You have that opportunity at Briar Creek. The Club offers 3 trophy managed tracts of land that are excluded from dog hunting. These areas produce a good number of mountable trophies each year.
If this sounds like something of interest to you, contact one of our Board Members.Still Hunting is permitted on all club property during the bow season and muzzleloader season. Still hunting is permitted on all club properties on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sundays (other than additional dog hunting dates). You must have permission to camp/ hunt/fish designated dog hunting land on a designated dog hunting day. You MUST get permission from the Hunt Master or President for the area you wish to hunt/camp/fish by contacting: before 9:00 p.m. the day before you camp/ hunt/fish or at the club house the morning you intend to camp/ hunt/fish. If permission is not received, you cannot camp/ hunt/fish on dog hunting land on a scheduled dog hunting day. No exceptions. • TROPHY BUCK- Rack must have a minimum of a 15” outside spread. • All members and guest must sign all harvested game off of all property of Briar Ck. Sportsman Club • No visitors or guest will be allowed to deer hunt until Saturday, October 28th 2017.